Statement of the Network of LGBTI+ Litigants of the Americas on the situation of violation of Human Rights in Peru


Through the following statement, The members of the Network join the demand for guarantees for democracy and respect for human rights in Peru.

From the Network of LGBTI+ Litigants of the Americas we categorically condemn the systematic violations of human rights carried out by the Peruvian State as a form of criminalization of the protest and we express our concern about the excessive use of the state of emergency, So far, social demands have not been met..

We also note with concern that since the beginning of the current sociopolitical situation facing Peru, more of 60 personas, 7 of them childhoods and adolescences, died as a result of the excessive use of force by state agents. This repressive policy with a clear racist and class undertone, has been in charge of criminalizing social mobilization and its financing, relating it to terrorist organizations to stigmatize and thus justify violations of the human rights of people in different cities of the country..

We also reject the measures taken by the current government whose ultimate goal is the erosion of democratic guarantees and the violation of human rights., thus attacking fundamental pillars of a democratic rule of law and a pluralistic society. This situation is aggravated by the requests for amnesty for the police and the army, as well as the denunciation of the American Convention on Human Rights requested by parliamentary groups that are unaware of International Law.

We are deeply outraged by the acts of repression committed against women and people with diverse gender identities and sexual orientations that have not only been limited to physical and sexual violence, making it clear that the violent strategy of the State seeks to preserve and maintain the heterocis-patriarchal social model that has historically discriminated against these social groups. So far this year, have registered more than 8 transfeminicides and threats against the personal safety of trans women throughout the national territory.

We demand that the Peruvian State does not ignore the limits of legality, need, temporality and proportionality that international law has marked in the face of States of exception, as well as respect for the right to protest, right to defense and right to receive medical care, in order to guarantee that the measures adopted are respectful of the human rights of their nationals. to that extent, We require the Peruvian State to respect its commitments within the framework of the American Convention on Human Rights, and other human rights instruments to which it is a party.

Finally, We call on the institutions and political leaders to meet the popular demands that demand democratic and transparent general elections for this year 2023, in which there are direct and horizontal dialogues with all the social sectors that make up the country; and we demand that the Organization of American States and the United Nations adopt the corresponding measures to monitor, investigate, document and identify those responsible, according to their competences, and thus avoid impunity.

Not one step back in defending our rights!

Litigants Network